Saturday, June 12, 2010

It has occurred to me that there are good reasons why Democrats and Republicans are treated differently by the public and the press. I will use two examples to illustrate what I mean. First consider morality. When a Republican is caught up in a moral problem say like having an extramarital affair they are treated more harshly than their Democratic counterparts because Republicans claim the high ground on family value issues. On the other hand Democrats are held to a higher standard when it comes to handling national disasters like hurricanes and the current oil spill. The reason for this is that Democrats believe that the federal government can best solve problems and the Republicans think not.

President Obama will take a lot of heat on the current spill because he is liberal and believes that the government can solve problems as witnessed by the heath care reform, the stimulus, the ongoing legislation on cap and trade and extending unemployment benefits on past the November election.

New subject. Prince Phillip yesterday gave a speech in which he declared that we should pay more attention to the Koran as it relates to keeping the environment clean and pure. What he didn’t say was many Muslim countries are third world when it comes to providing for their people and the ones that have viable economic systems get 90% of their income from oil which environmentalist say is the main cause of global warming which in tern they say is the main environmental problem. You don’t have to lie to mislead you just need to leave out part of the information.

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