Saturday, June 5, 2010

Dirty bomb

Because of the situation in Iran the president is holding a world conference on nukes. The talking heads all say that Iran is a long way from getting the enrichment level up to the 90 plus percent needed for a bomb and while that may be true I don’t believe it is relevant. I say this because a perfectly good dirty bomb can be made with uranium enriched to only 20%, the type Iran says it needs for a so called medical use.

While the physical damage caused by a dirty bomb is slight, the psychological and physiological damage is significant. The radiation can cause the area around the explosion to be contaminated for long periods of time. The psych damage can be seen by our experience with the accident at Three Mile Island back in the 70’s. It was a relatively minor leak and yet it effected the future of nuclear power it a major way. Just reminding people of the accident brings on a certain amount of anxiety. There is good reason to believe that Iran would give enough 20% enriched uranium to a terror group like Hezbollah or Hamas or some lesser known group to build a dirty bomb and then it is only a matter of time until they smuggle it into some large metro area. While we spend our time estimating when Iran will get to 90% they can be secreting 20% material into the USA or Western Europe. It is time to wake up.


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