Sunday, June 27, 2010


I cannot let this day pass without putting in my two cents worth on the General McChrystal situation. His actions indicate a degree of immaturity which disqualifies him from his position. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with the president but it is best to express his concerns face to face in private and if he cannot carry out the orders given to him he should resign. Some say that it was his plan that Obama asked him to carry out but that is not the whole story. He asked for 60,000 troops and received only 30,000. After he agreed to the plan the president announced a date to start withdrawing and later placed restrictions on how the troops in the field should behave, going so far as to say they should not fire unless fired upon. I believe McChrystal should have resigned when the July of 2011 start of withdrawal was announced. To tell an enemy who fades in and out of the woodwork that you plan to start leaving next July is an unacceptable military policy and McChrystal knows that, but chose to stay in spite of it.

One wonders what he will say after he retires on his speaking tours. Will he undermine the Obama war effort or will he put the safety of the troops first and keep quiet. Will Obama be concerned about what he might say and keep him on. Stay tuned!


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