Sunday, October 30, 2011


The United States is considered by many as a Judeo-Christian country. While many
Christians believe this, they often forget that the Old Testament is the history of the Jews. If I had to sum up the Old Testament in one sentence, I would say that it is a written record of the Jews searching for the promise land. More than 3000 years ago when Moses, led the Jews out of more than 400 years of slavery in Egypt, the first place he headed was for the promise land. Where is the promise land? It is that area that lies between the rivers Nile and Euphrates and the center of this is the old land of Canaan which is located in and around the present city of Jerusalem.
The Jews basically stayed in this area until about 2500 years ago when the city of Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonian army and the Jews were exiled to what is present day Iraq. During the 200 years they remained in Iraq the area around Jerusalem was controlled by many different groups including Persians, who allowed the Jews to return to the promise land
The Jews never had a country and for the next 2000 years they migrated to different parts of the western world where they were treated as second class people. At first it was because of their religion but later it turned into prejudice against them as a race and this was called anti-Semitism. This continued well into the 19th century when the idea of a Jewish homeland called Zionism came into being.
About 100 years ago the area in and around Jerusalem became known as Palestine and some wealthy Jewish businessmen in Europe begin to sponsor settlements in Palestine for Jews.
After WW1 Zionism attracted the interest of many in Europe as a way a getting rid of the Jews and after WW11 the Jews were granted statehood and the country of Israel was founded in 1948 and the Jews finally had a home in the promise land

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