Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tea Party

There are many reasons attributed to the rise of the Tea Party but I think they can all be put into one category called corruption. We have politicians who are influenced by lobbyist, we have CEO’s who have huge benefits because the sit on each other’s board and give raises to one another, we have government agencies in bed with the people they regulate, we have Wall Street bankers using inside information to pad their pockets, we have political action committees (PAC’s) using money to influence elections, we have big unions using dues to elect people who will repay them with taxpayer money, and finally we have elected officials who say one thing to get elected and do another thing when in office.
For many years this type of behavior went ahead without challenge but the people finally got fed up and begin to speak up. At first these people were not considered a threat to the establishment when Pelosi referred to them as astroturf, but they soon realized that this group was not business as usual. The 2010 elections were a wakeup call to those in office and the slow economy has more and more people listening to these Tea Partiers. These people do not see themselves as members of a political party but rather as citizens concerned about the overall morality of the country. They believe that the America they grew up with is disappearing and they don’t like it.

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