Sunday, October 30, 2011

War Money

The US went into Afghanistan to take out those who attacked the world trade center and killed innocent people. As time passed the war seemed more distant to people and as they watched the death toll rise and the injury count increase they became more and more disillusioned. Now after ten years polls show that the people want to end the conflict and so one of the reasons they give is the cost. You can dismiss the cost as incidental to the suffering incurred by the people of Afghanistan but the world revolves around money. In a country with a GDP of 60 billion imagine what that 2 billion per week could do for the poor people in Croatia. Hungry people around the world need money. Research needs money. It takes money to provide new industry which provides new jobs. People cannot have freedom without economic freedom. It is US research and US money that is saving millions in Africa from the scourges of AIDS. It is US research and money that has almost rid the world of polio. The point I am making is that there is more to Americans desire for money than just having another car in the garage. Don’t disparage the way Americans deal with money. Using it to fight a war is very low on the priority list of most Americans. We know that war is hell as do the people of Europe but human nature being what it is leads me to believe that there will always be war somewhere. I wonder what the world would be like today if the American people disliked war so much that they opted out of the two world wars. What would your county be like today? Just some things to think about.

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