Sunday, October 30, 2011


On February of 2009 the Obama administration passed the Stimulus Bill of 787 billion dollars. They predicted that passing this would keep unemployment below 8% but then it went to over 10%. They responded by saying that the economy was worse than they expected even though he had previously stated that the economy was the worst since the Great Depression. Last week the president said that he had created 2 million jobs in the past 15 months and attributed this to the stimulus. Assuming that is true we do the math and discover that each job cost the government $390,000. This does not count the second stimulus called QE2 which passed last November for 600 billion more. If this is the way we create jobs and we currently have 15 million people unemployed we must spend 5 trillion more to get jobs for these people. The fed has printed up 2.5 trillion in the last two years so I guess they could print up another 5 trillion. The reason I am going through this exercise is to point out that the average person does not have to analyze the situation to know that there is something not right about just printing money and handing it out to friends to spend. You can just use your common sense and know that this is going to lead to some serious problems not the least of which is inflation. I know that the average working stiff can see through this charade.

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