Sunday, October 30, 2011

Obama's book 2

The portrayal of Obama in Denesh’s book explains some of Obama’s economic policies which seem disturbing to me. He states that he is for the middle class but his economic policies so far have made the big banks much bigger, Wall Street much richer and the middle class with high unemployment, high gas prices, losing homes and rising food cost. He has stopped drilling in the Gulf of Mexico but gave a billion dollar loan to help Mexico drill there. He has given a two billion dollar loan to Brazil for off shore drilling. He spends lots of money on solar and wind power but nothing on natural gas which the US has a lot. If we just changed our Semi trucks over to natural gas we would no longer have to buy oil from Saudi Arabia.
Counting the TARP which was the bail out of the big banks plus the first stimulus and the second stimulus we have spent 21/2 trillion dollars to get the economy going and during this time we have created 1.8 million jobs. If you do the math you can see this is 1,400,000 per job. During this time 4 million home owners have lost their homes.
Regarding how Obama brought down bin Laden I have mixed feelings. First I too was surprised when all those young people went out in the streets waving flags and cheering. I didn’t think most young people cared about this stuff.
The story we get here is that Obama could not trust the Pakis to keep a secret. He felt that they would have warned bin Laden. I have no way of knowing whether that would have happened or not. I wonder how you would have felt if the US had sent in a team of Seals to take out Milosevic
I think you should look closer at Obama’s foreign policy as compared to Bush. Obama has sent more troops into Afghanistan, has increased by four times the drone raids into Pak, has agreed to keep Gitmo open, has reaffirmed the concept of rendition (sending terror suspects overseas to be interrogated using harsh methods), has decided to try terror suspects in military courts, has given permission to kill on sight Anwar al-Awlaki (no trial here) and has not allowed the building of a Muslim church near the twin towers. And the latest is invading Libya supposedly to protect innocent people but it looks like we might end up killing more.
I think many people in Europe and the Middle East liked it when Obama came and apologized for Americas past behavior. He got a Noble Peace prize for that and I wonder if Norway wants to take it back now

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