Friday, September 4, 2015

Big Government

I suggested some time ago that perhaps our form of government is in adequate to deal with 300 million people and wonder what kind of changes could be made to improve efficiency. I have taken a closer look at the various federal agencies and what I see is not good. Veterans Affairs: Stories of poor treatment of veterans appear regularly in the news. Education: The gap between white and black students keeps widening and college cost are going through the roof. Energy: We have almost unlimited supply of methane that can be used without adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere but the government spends all its efforts on wind and solar so they can reward certain campaign donors. Transportation: Roads and bridges are in disrepair and our elected officials only talk about it. Just model a plan after the Interstate Hwy system like Eisenhower did. Health and Human Services: Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are all going broke and officials just keep kicking the can down the road. Homeland Security: Billions are spent on Airport Security and recent test show that 67 out of 70 times agents got weapons and explosives on the plane. Labor: The President added new members to the board while congress what out of session and then later had to reverse the process leaving many rules that were enacted in limbo. This board has become a partisan political group that is currently anti-business. Commerce: This group couldn’t even figure out a way to sell insurance across state lines which would make the industry more competitive and lower cost for consumers. Agriculture: The government pays billions of dollars to large corporate farms not to grow crops. More billions on school lunches that the kids don’t like and thus don’t eat. Justice: The Attorney Generals office has become politicized to the point where it fails to enforce laws that The President doesn’t like. Defense: Senators who force the military into using equipment they don’t need because it is manufactured in their home districts is a common occurrence and only one small example of waste and corruption. State: We have ambassadors around the world who are appointed for their campaign contributions, who know little about the country they are assigned to and can’t speak the language.

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