Friday, September 25, 2015

Papal economics

I don’t know who the Pope’s economic advisor is but something isn’t right. The poorest counties in the world contribute practically nothing to air pollution. Throughout Africa, most of South American and Southeast Asia, where there is very little in the way of industry, there is very little air pollution. These countries cannot be accused of adding to the problem of climate change. The developing countries of the world, countries like the United States, Western Europe and to a greater extent China and India are the polluters. The people living in the non-polluting countries are suffering from lack of food, lack of proper housing and very little in the way of medical care. The number one cause of death in Africa, are communicable diseases and the main cause is unclean drinking water. Dirty water kills millions of people every year in these countries. Infant mortality from lack of proper nutrition kills babies before they have a chance to get a start in life. Diseases like measles, malaria, whooping cough, tetanus, meningitis and syphilis, diseases we mostly thought were gone kill millions. In these non-polluting countries there are no schools for most children, no laws to protect children and many of these countries women are second class citizens. For most of my life, the developing countries have sent food and medical supplies to the poor countries and in 1955 life expectancy in Africa was 38 and today it is 60. This is a direct result of the excess food production in the United States and Canada. The United States could convert everything to natural gas and lower air pollution but that would not help the people who need clean water and medical supplies. The best way to help those people is to get them jobs that pay a decent wage and the way to do that is to use free market capitalism. The perfect example is North and South Korea. The people in the north are starving while those in the south are thriving. These people are the same culture, same religion and same ethnicity but one chose communism and the other chose capitalism.

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