Monday, September 14, 2015


The free press is the watch dog that protects the people from an over reaching government and one of its most important tools is FOIA (freedom of information act) established in 1966. This Act has come under attack with the Clinton emails. The State Department has affirmed her right to delete personal emails and now the Justice Department has come to the same conclusion. What they did not explain is how this is to be done. Left unexplained it opens the door for individuals to decide for themselves what emails are personal and may be deleted. If this is allowed to stand it permits people leaving office the ability to cover up any questionable activity and thus weaken the FOIA. It should be pointed out that since Clinton used a private server it is not subject to FOIA rules. Most people were not surprised when the State Department went along with Hilary but many were surprised when the Justice Department agreed. The feeling was that the Justice Department headed by Attorney General Lorette Lynch would demand a procedure to oversee any deletions. Now there is suspicion that politics is interfering and if the FBI investigation starts to be compromised then it will be assumed that there is some kind of cover up.

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