Monday, September 7, 2015

Personal belief's

I have watched with interest the case of the county clerk in Kentucky who refused to issue a marriage license to a gay couple. She objected on religious grounds. Today in the news an airline stewardess refused to serve alcohol to a passenger based on her religious beliefs. The cases differ in that the first is a government employee and the second a private business employee but both have the same solution. They can resign. The case in Kentucky should never have come to the attention of the public because the lady could have asked her assistant to sign the application. The couple involved could have avoided any controversy by just going to another county but both sides wanted to make an issue out of it. My way of looking at these situations is that when your personal beliefs run up against the law then you should follow your heart but be prepared to pay the penalty. The colonist broke the law and rose up against the king and many paid with their lives. Blacks in the south who sat in on white restaurants and broke the law were harassed, sometimes beaten, jailed and occasionally killed. On a less violent basis government whistle blowers often times lose their jobs and end up deep in debt paying for legal fees. It takes a great deal of personal courage to stand up against the establishment and to follow your heart but in our society you must pay the penalty and in some cases the end result was a change in the law.

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