Sunday, February 28, 2016

Blah, blah, blah

When people say they are upset with the Washington establishment they mean a number of things but there is one area where it is very clear why they are upset and I have felt this for many years. If I am watching a political program and they are going to have a senator or congressman from each side to discuss the issues, I change the channel. The reason is simple. I know in advance what each side is going to say almost word for word. It doesn’t matter what questions they asked they have the same answers. They are so common they have a name called talking points. They have those memorized and have used them every time they run for re-election. Most people refer to these words as blah, blah, blah. One of the reasons that people are attracted to Trump is that he unpredictable. His arrogant, bombastic, often time rude answers to questions are not only entertaining but unexpected and considered refreshing by many of his backers. The establishment Washington insiders are beside themselves and totally at a loss. It is frightening to them to realize that all that they have learned over the years is being tossed out with the bath water. The disgust with Washington is so broad that many feel that Bernie Sanders backers will vote for Trump. The only way that Trump can win the White House is to get people who normally do not vote to go to the polls. In the last Presidential election 93 million eligible voters stayed home because they were so disillusioned by the blah, blah, blah that they just gave up on politicians.

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