Friday, February 19, 2016

Experts fooled

One of the smaller but important groups that have been thrown into a tizzy by Trump are the so called political experts. These are the people who have spent most of their lives becoming experts in the field of politics and now find themselves on the outside looking in. They are lined up either as liberals or conservatives and are totally immersed in the politics of the past where each side stakes out principals that they live and die by. They are the ones who always vote the party regardless of the candidate. As these poor souls look back over the past eight months and all that they have said and predicted and find themselves looking like idiots they are now considered as irrelevant by the average voter. It is like a scientist, who spent his life proving that the earth was flat and woke up one day to find it was round. They are not happy campers as the people have decided that enough is enough and no longer want to hear the standard bladder about liberals and conservatives and this is the stuff these experts live and die for. Most voters have reached the point where they no longer tuned in to hear politicians because they knew what was going to be said before it was said. It is like coach speak. We had an offensive plan to score more points than the other team and we had a defensive plan to keep the other team from scoring more than we did. Blah, blah, blah! While Trump causes concern for many voters, they are thrilled with him exposing the balderdash that the average politician spews out. For years these typical pols have been so afraid they might say the wrong thing that they just kept repeating their talking points ad nauseam. As weird and strange as Trump is, he has become like a breath of fresh air.

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