Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Muslim stats

As President Obama visits a Mosque today in his quest to make sure we do not brand all Muslims as terrorist, it is time to look at some statistics. There are about 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and only an estimated 300,000 are radical terrorist and the US is fighting to, as the President says, to weaken and destroy these groups. But what of the rest! A recent PEW survey covering hundreds of thousands of Muslims in 29 countries reveals some startling information. 27% believe that if a Muslim leaves the faith they should be executed. This represents 237 million Muslims. 345 million believe in Honor Killings. This is the practice of families killing female members who behave in an immoral manner, things like dating outside the religion or having premarital sexual relations. 281 million believe that the cutting off of the hands of thieves is acceptable and whippings and stoning as punishment for other crimes. This last statistic is not just relevant to Muslim countries as the survey showed that in western countries these beliefs are also prevalent. Asked if public whippings, cutting off hands and stoning would be acceptable provided the following results. France 42% agree England 35% agree US 26% agree. Like I said, somewhat startling!

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