Sunday, February 21, 2016


During the 1960’s laws were passed to liberalize punishment for crimes and the crime rate rapidly increased. In the 60’s the murder rate was around 9,000 per year and that more than doubled to 20,000 by the mid 70’s and then held steady in the 20,000 rage until the mid 90’s when the Crime control bill was passed. After that the murder rate began to decline to the 14,000 level where it remains today. One of the results of the Crime bill was the increase in the number of prisoners which went from 600,000 in 1995 to 1,600,000 in 2010. There is now a push to reduce punishment for drug users while maintaining strong sentencing for drug pushers. This is something that common sense should have dictated from the start. Users need rehab. As the release of these prisoners makes room, the cells can be filled with the drug criminals that are destroying the inner cities. Fully one half of murders are committed by inner city drug wars and 90% of these are blacks killing blacks. Blacks are disproportionately represented in prison and as these drug war killers are put in prison the number of blacks will increase even more and there will be a push to release drug dealers who do not have a record of violent behavior although the sale of drugs is a prime cause of violent crime. When people say that selling drugs is not a violent crime they are mistaken. What they mean is the person doing the selling is not violent but the users trying to get money to pay the dealer often times resort to violence to get money to pay for drugs. This whole thing about crime and punishment is the pendulum swinging and the way things often work.

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