Sunday, February 14, 2016

New judge

When President Obama ran for office the first time in 2008, I voted against him for two reasons. The first was his lack of experience and the second was that there was a democratic senate and if an opening came on the Supreme Court a new judge could be appointed with a minimum of debate. I do not know what makes a good judge but I want a knock down drag out fight and you need a senate in the opposite party of the president to get such a fight. Now that Scalia has died the new judge should be appointed by Obama and confirmed by the Republican controlled senate. There are at least a dozen important decisions that must be made between now and June and the court must have the full complement of 9 judges to properly do their job. With the way Trump is exciting the electorate the next administration could have a Republican President and Senate and that is not the best way to choose a judge. Both political parties believe that if they had complete control that they could produce a utopian country but keep in mind that both always put party above country.

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