Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Story telling

Now that Trump is emphasizing the blue collar worker it has brought to my attention the education gap, the fact that 30% are college educated and 70% are not. For those of you who are old enough to remember Ralph Kramden and Ed Norton, think of those two guys as representing the working man. Ralph was a bus driver and Ed worked in the sewer and both struggled every day to make ends meet. They were the kind of guys who paid their bills, paid their taxes and chocked up when the National Anthem was played. The people in the media are in the 30% group and view these regular guys with a ton of misconceptions. They see them as racist homophobes who are not too bright or as they say euphemistically, “low information people”. These regular guys are the people who fight our wars, who follow the rules and strive to provide their kids with a better life and these are the people who have been left behind by leaders who promise every four years to help. The news people have inadvertently confirmed the suspicions of the working class that candidates for president can’t be trusted. The press often says there is a difference between the primaries and general election. The phrase they use is, moving to the center. In plain language this means to say one thing to one group and another thing to another group. It is not unreasonable to consider this lying and many people do. To top it off when they get elected there is a third story.

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