Saturday, August 13, 2016


I have talked in the past about how politicians use the teenage defense. This is where the kid says mom everyone is doing it. No matter the blunder if you can find someone in the other party that is doing the same thing then it’s OK. This theory is about to be tested big time as hackers start to reveal what were thought to be private comments. They have been hacking Democrats but soon it will be the Republicans turn. Here is a tongue in cheek example that may not be too far from the truth. In a hacked email Hilary says, the American people are stupid so just tell them what they want to hear. Next Trump is revealed to say, Voters don’t know anything so they must be led by the hand by someone like me. There would be a new uproar for about a day and then each side would say the other side is doing the same thing and it will all die out. Maybe we are stupid! To quote that famous philosopher Forrest Gump, stupid is as stupid does.

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