Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tale of Two Cities

Almost 200 years ago Charles Dickens wrote his famous novel, “The Tale of Two Cities”. Among other things it emphasized the gap between the rich and the poor. Fast forward to today and we still have the gap. While it is more acute in third world countries the people in the US can feel it. The 30% of Americans who are college educated can see a bright future for them and their children while the remaining 70% see their lives in a continual downward spiral and the same for their children. We are confronted with a tale of two societies. The college educated people are looking forward to a continuation of what has been going on for several decades and will likely vote for the establishment candidate, Hilary Clinton. The others will look to Trump hoping against hope that he will change things. The in crowd in Washington is pulling out all stops to discredit Trump and he is doing his share to help them. The future for the blue collar working class is in their hands. If they are fed up enough to come out and vote, they can risk a Trump victory and whatever that brings. Many will be willing to do this since they see little hope that the establishment will risk losing their power to help them and they can see a slim possibility that Trump just might bring on some changes in the form of good paying jobs that will brighten their futures. It looks like the very poor and the well-off will vote for Hilary and the low to middle income group will look to Trump to bring them some relief.

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