Thursday, May 25, 2017

cost of healthcare

For people like myself who worked in the insurance business it has always been obvious that the way to hold down cost was by limiting service and this is done in two ways. First is to have high deductibles as is the case in Obamacare. Second is rationing which is done with Medicare. When Obamacare first came out I pointed out that all the conversation was about the monthly cost (premiums) but when people went to use the service and discovered the deductible they would be in for some sticker shock. This has now come to pass. The middle income working people pay for most of the free Obamacare but seniors also pay through rationing since Obamacare took about 700 billion from Medicare in payments to doctors and hospitals. Even after Obamacare has insured 20 million new people there are still 28 million without insurance. In 2010 the estimated cost of Obamacare over ten years was $940 billion. In 2012 the cost was raised to $1.76 trillion. In 2014 the cost estimate was 2 trillion which is more than double the cost only 4 years earlier. As the deductibles continue to increase the total health care cost will begin to stabilized.

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