Friday, May 5, 2017


One of the shortcomings in original Medicaid was the lack of coverage for single adults. Medicaid covered children and adults with children but not adults alone. Obamacare expanded Medicaid to cover single adults. Recently stories have appeared on the Internet showing single adults who had pre-existing conditions and could not qualify for insurance and they died from their illness because they were denied treatment. These stories are designed to show how Obamacare has kept these individual from going without treatment. This is a distortion of what actually occurs. Most of the time these people are admitted to the hospital by way of the emergency room and they receive standard treatment and it is paid for through the charity plan that hospitals have which means they pass the cost onto paying customers. Medicaid worked in this way from its inception in 1965 to 2014 and there were few stories about people going without treatment.

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