Thursday, May 4, 2017

Make fun of

At school today I was reading a National Geographic issue from May of 2016 and thought of an old phrase I use once in a while, “smug cometh before the fall”. On the cover it was poking fun at people with odd and seemingly ignorant ideas. Climate change….does not exist Evolution….never happened Moon landing….was fake Vaccines….cause autism Genetic modified food....evil Just take a short trip into the past and you will find: Dr. Jenner who was run out of town when he suggested that doctors may be killing their own patients….before they knew about microbes. Spontaneous generation….belief that rotten meat could change into flies Blood letting….belief that illness could be cured by removing blood More recently Stomach problems treated as ulcers when in fact it was a bacterial infection and that the brain was only an organ and not a gland. Finally what will the future say about chemotherapy and radiation. When I was in school we had what scientist called laws, things like the laws of thermodynamics but quantum physics has challenged this and the word law is now in jeopardy. While it is good to always question it is not wise to ridicule.

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