Thursday, May 18, 2017

Social media

The three major TV networks have a combined viewership of 25 million and Trump through social media reaches 50 million. Everyone is aware that Trump did not campaign like a normal politician because he is not a normal politician. He is not a liberal or a conservative. He is not ideological. This means he does not fit the mold of what most people think of as a politician. This is causing great deal of consternation among the political class as well as the within the media. These two groups along with most of the American people are at a loss when it comes to understanding Trump. Those representing the status quo are most concerned. They have spent their lives leaning the ins and outs of the current system and now find themselves on the outside looking in and this is very upsetting. They have misjudged Trump since the day he decided to run for office and they are still having difficulty in dealing with his unorthodox ways. Case in point is Trumps use of social media which in many cases by-passes the regular media channels. This is very disconcerting to the press so they spend an inordinate amount of time disparaging his use of Twitter. Once again this is not the way they think a president should act but they best get used to it because he will not be the last president to use social media. President Obama started this new way and Trump has expanded it.

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