Saturday, January 27, 2018


DACA refers to about 700,000 children illegally brought to this country and in 2012 by presidential decree given the right to work permits. President Obama stated that it was the duty of congress to make this action legal but congress refused. The President stated on several occasions that he did not have the right to do this but years went by and these young people became used to this new way. President Trump came in and gave the congress several months to resolve the issue and that date is coming up in March. Renewing the right of these children to remain with their work status is very popular with the public. Something like 80% of people feel these children should be allowed to remain in the country and work. Because of its popularity this has become a wedge issue for democrats meaning that it helps them get elected and re-elected. Trump has proposed that these children and their parents be giving a path to citizenship and has attached other requirements like building a wall. If the democrats agree to Trumps proposal he will get the wall he campaigned for and they will lose a wedge issue.

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