Friday, January 19, 2018

Trump time

Tomorrow is the first anniversary of Trumps inauguration and I as look back over the past two plus years I have only one word to describe him and that word is amazing. He is such an overpowering personality that he dominates the news in a way that I have never seen. To say he is controversial is a gross understatement. According to the political experts he started out as joke. The Huff Post said it would put Trump in the entertainment section. During the campaign he faced down 17 opponents all of whom, according to the experts, were more qualified than he and most of whom were seasoned politicians. The talking heads had him down and out at least a dozen times that I remember but he just kept on keeping on. Next he went up against the Clinton machine and once again all of the experts said repeatedly that Trump would never be president. Then came election night when the experts sat dumfounded watching in total disbelief as Mrs. Clinton went down in defeat. Since the election Trump has had to fend off daily attacks from the press, from democrats from never Trumpers and a newer enemy called the deep state. His personality is so large on the national stage that everyone talks about him incessantly. Some of the things he says and does are so outlandish that the press just cannot fathom him and they respond with the constant refrain, he is not presidential. Many of the complaints against Trump are legitimate but all too many are just wishful thinking. No one knows what lies ahead but almost everyone agrees it will be interesting.

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