Saturday, January 27, 2018

Immigrant children

One of the things that seems to bother most people is when someone cuts in line. Imagine standing in line for tickets to the big game or concert and someone cuts in front of you. Now watch even further as they invite their friends to cut in with them. Then imagine that they run out of tickets just before you get to the box office. This is the situation, for people who have gone through the proper channels to enter the country legally, then find out that others who have cut in are getting preferential treatment. They are upset and call their congressman only to find out that he voted to give these illegals the right to cut in. A few years ago a surge of 70,000 children unaccompanied by an adult came across the southern border. Many of these children just melted into the general society. It is obvious that the immigration system is broken and now is the time for congress to fix it. They have to come up with a compromise solution.

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