Wednesday, January 31, 2018

State of the Union

In today’s Washington politics, party is always more important than country and this is illustrated every year watching the state of the union speeches. If you guys are for it we are against it whatever it is. This year Trump offered proposals for paid family leave, lower drug prices, prison reform and infrastructure and the democrats sat silently with bored looks on their faces. In Obama’s first state of the union speech he offered the same ideas and the republicans sat silently looking bored. Many say that this is the reason that the American people are upset with congress as is seen in the 15% approval ratings. For many others, if it were not for the seriousness of the issues, it would be comical watching these people sitting there with their dead pan faces. While it is convenient to blame congress, never forget they were all put in office by we the people. Maybe we are living in glass houses and should be careful where we cast our stones.

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