Saturday, January 6, 2018

Sanctuary cities

In 1954 the Supreme Court ruled in Brown v Board of Education that separate but equal was no longer good enough for public schools but they must in fact integrate. This was a momentous decision in that it just didn’t involve schools but all aspects of life. Many southern states were opposed to this and delayed the implementation of the new law to the point where the government had to step in to speed up the process. Justice delayed is justice denied meant the federal troops had to be sent in to force the states to comply with the federal law. In recent times that has not always been the case. When states defied the federal law against the sale of pot the federal government chose not to enforce the law. In the past few years sanctuary cities have sprung up across the country and now California has become a sanctuary state. A sanctuary city is a city that limits its cooperation with the national government effort to enforce immigration law. This is very similar to the way that southern states slow walked the new laws regarding integration but this time the federal government under President Obama did not try to enforce the law. Attorney General Sessions is now threatening to take steps to delegitimize these cities but the courts seem unwilling to back up his demands. It appears that the morality of the cause is more determinant than the words of the law but who determines which cause is more moral?

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