Friday, December 21, 2018

Carbon tax

As Senator Jeff Flake leaves office he is joining with the democrats to propose a carbon tax and this will be reported in the press as a bi-partisan agreement. Under either a cap-and-trade program that limits carbon emissions or a carbon tax that imposes an outright tax on these emissions, the poor may be among the hardest hit. Once again the poor will be hurt since energy cost for poor is a much higher portion of their budget than for the rich. Moving to natural gas cars would help the poor since fracking has brought down the price of natural gas and these cars run cleaner which helps the environment. The problem is that it doesn't hand over any money to the government so they can spend it as they believe is best for us. In 2017, the bipartisan Climate Leadership Council endorsed a carbon tax that would collect over $200 billion annually, with increasing rates and revenue over time.

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