Saturday, December 1, 2018

Medicare vs Obamacare

Back in 1965 the government came to me and said next year we will be taking money out of your check to pay for health care when you retire. I told them never mind that I would take care of my self and they said it is the new law. I asked, how much will you take out and they said $3 per month and I said, sign me up. If we take that $36 per year and increase it by 5% per year for 53 years we get $477 per year. The current cost of Medicare for low income people is $1,308 or more than three times the projected amount allowing for inflation. In March of 2010 the estimated ten year cost of Obamacare was $938 billion. Two years later the cost was $1.76 trillion. The future does not look any better. In January 2015, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said that the cumulative ten- year U.S. budget deficit (2015 to 2025) would total $8.1 trillion. One of the reasons the initial cost was low is that they started paying for it in 2010 but the benefits didn't kick in until 2014. This was to keep the first ten year cost below one trillion which they did but the cost quickly escalated after that. Just like Medicare they knew that once the people get a benefit they would not give it up regardless of the cost.

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