Saturday, December 29, 2018

Public pensions

While private employee unions are good for the economy, many feel that public pensions are not. Even FDR opposed public pensions because they negotiate with taxpayer monies. Public unions entered the game after WW 2 when most of the hard work to improve wages and working conditions occurred in the prewar years. They earned their power by doing all the right things. They organized and got out the vote gave up immediate income for long term gains and succeeded beyond expectations but now comes the time to pay the piper and the money is not there. Illinois is one of the more serious situations. The state constitution says the benefits must be paid but not how they are paid. Out going Mayor Rahm Emanuel recognizes this and has proposed changes that will adversely effect pensions. A constitutional amendment to allow changes to future, unearned pension benefits is the only way to stop rising property taxes and income taxes, as well as prevent annual pension contributions from crowding out government spending on education and social services, both at the state and local levels.

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