Saturday, December 22, 2018


In school today I subbed in a health class where the subject was stereotyping and I was reminded of the current state of politics in America. When Hillary labeled half of Trumps supporters as deplorables and later elaborated by saying she meant they were racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic she was not alone in her feelings. There are many comments by many people regarding Trump voters. Those in the Midwest are referred to as red necks who drive pick up trucks with a rifle in the back window while they smoke Marlboro's and drink Miller beer. They lack formal education and kill animals for sport. In the Southern states the are called hillbillies who love their God and their guns. They have poor teeth, poor grammar are lazy and thought of as low information people. Who thinks of other people in these terms? They are mostly college educated people with white collar jobs and live along the coast. The congress and the national press corp are included in this group and are seen as more worldly or sophisticated.

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