Saturday, March 9, 2019

Armchair doctor

Psychologist Carl Jung spent his life helping people to better understand their sub-conscience mind which he called the shadow side. He helped people investigate this mysterious side by using dreams, fairy tales and poems. One of the ways he suggested was to observe how a person reacts to others. He pointed out that if you have a over reaction to another's behavior that it can be a clue to the shadow side. He suggests that you see in this other person a side of yourself that you are unaware of and thus taken-a-back. One way to assess this idea is to look at how different people react to Trump. He is bombastic, overbearing, egotistic and constantly bragging. If you feel comfortable with his attitude perhaps you have a shadow side that would like to step out and toot your own horn or be politically incorrect but you fear the consequences within your group. If you don't like Trump maybe you think you are greater than what you let on but keep quiet so as not to upset your peers. Playing armchair psychiatrist can be entertaining but should not be taken to serious.

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