Saturday, March 30, 2019

Climate change

Joe is a hard working guy who cares about our planet and he is on the way home from a climate change rally where several speakers told of the pending disaster if changes aren't forthcoming. Joe arrives at his 2,500 square foot home sitting on a large lot in the burbs 20 miles from where he commutes to work each day in his SUV. On weekends Joe goes to his lake cabin where he spends time landscaping another big lawn. In the afternoon Joe and his friends go water skiing using his 50 horse Merc. Every evening they cook out some stakes or chops. Once or twice a year Joe and his family hop into their van and take a 3,000 mile vacation criss-crossing the country viewing sites. Joe is home this evening wondering when someone is going to do something about climate change. There's a little Joe in all of us.

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