Friday, March 15, 2019


A practical path to the green dream. 1. Continue to move power plants to natural gas. 2. Build wind mills and solar fields next to these plants and run power for those when the sun shines and the wind blows using the gas as back up power. 3. Continue research on quick charge batteries for electric cars which will not sell until you can charge the battery in the time it takes to fill the gas tank. 4. Continue research on methane hydrate to replace fracking and offset CO2 production. 5. Move to natural gas for transportation including cars, trucks, locomotive and planes. 6. Use small nuke plants to power ocean vessels like they presently do with submarines. 7. Encourage solar and wind for homes and businesses. 8. Most important continue research on all types of power production. 9. The ultimate goal is controlled fusion which will launch the hydrogen economy. The desserts of the world will become giant gardens growing several crops each year. There will be an unlimited supply of fresh water and the only by product will be distilled water.

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