Friday, March 15, 2019


Here are five ways that congress could make some headway. Infrastructure offer $2 for each $1 put in by the states Immigration. The wall for path to citizenship for the dreamers Prescription drugs....charge prices similar to overseas or have the government start importing drugs. Climate change..move to natural gas for transportation Move toward level playing field on import/export taxes These are five areas where agreement could be reached but will not because the president will get credit. This is the new way that government operates. When Obama was president the republicans thwarted him at every opportunity and now the democrats are doing that with Trump. Recall Clinton came into office just as the dot com boom was starting and it ended just after he left office. This caused the economy to boom and Clinton got the credit even though he had little to do with it. This happened because politicians could not stop it. Any economic progress will have to be instituted by the private sector as the government currently acts as a deterrent.

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