Sunday, March 17, 2019


Most of the discipline problems in schools are caused by the student who has not learned respect for authority. This is one of the many lessons children learn from their parents. The process is simple. The children are exposed to firm but expanding guide lines as they grow. When you are four years old, you cannot play in the street by yourself. When you are eight years old, you cannot go downtown by yourself and when you are 12 years old you cannot paint the house by yourself. As they mature they are learning respect for the parents authority. When this is learned in the early years it carries with them to school where they learn respect for the authority vested in the position of teacher. Note it does not say respect for the teacher, a person they have just met. You don't have to respect the governor but you respect the office of governor. In the military you don't salute the man but you salute the uniform. After you leave school you learn respect for the boss and for the police officer but in each case it is not person but the position the person holds. It can be both but usually respect for the person must be earned. Students who are fortunate enough to learn this valuable lesson at home will not be disruptive in the classroom.

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