Monday, October 7, 2019

Bureaucrats and war

The constitution provides for three branches of government, the executive, legislative and judicial but in time the fourth estate came to be seen as another branch of government, the fourth estate being the press. When congress passes a law it is up to the various government agencies to set up the regulations dictating how the law will be carried out. Over the past 40 plus years these various agencies have assumed greater authority culminating in the Obama administration. This was best illustrated by the EPA who wrote more than 4,000 regulations. Trump has threatened to reduce the number of federal employees, made it easier to fire these people and reduced some benefits along with undoing many of the regs instituted under Obama. The result is the rise of the fifth estate known as the bureaucracy. These are appointed federal employees who stay on regardless of what party is in control and they are not happy. They have been responsible for leaks since the day Trump was elected and some say even before. Trump has been under attack by these bureaucrats and this will continue even if he is reelected. They are fighting to preserve the status quo and see their kingdom being challenged by Trump. It has become an all out war.

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