Sunday, October 27, 2019

Safe space

With the onset of safe spaces on college campuses, some say it is an attack on free speech. In 1977 a Nazi organization decided to march in a Skokie, IL neighborhood where a large number of Holocaust survivors lived. Many protested but conservative and liberal groups agreed that this group had the right to protest. The case went to court and the first amendment was upheld and the group was allowed to march. The purpose of the free speech part of the first amendment is to protect speech that is deemed unacceptable. Today some want to outlaw what they consider to be hate speech. While the use of a word like nigger is considered crude, hurtful and wrong, it is protected speech. Many campuses have refused speakers using the excuse that their speech may lead to violence. Using that excuse will allow the censoring of any speech the college deems unacceptable.

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