Monday, October 14, 2019

Trump persona

Psychiatrist Karl Jung pointed out the difference between our outer self and our inner self. He called the face we show to the public our persona. As long as our persona and who we are on the inside remain relatively close we function properly. If we say what we think unfiltered people will get upset and since we are social animals we filter to get along. If the social pressures build we can find ourselves drifting too far away and tensions increase. Politicians are one group that are subject to this kind of tension. When their core beliefs conflict with what their constituents want the problems begin. Sometimes the desire to be reelected is so strong that they move so far away they forget who they are. They feel the need to please and say whatever is necessary. This is the extreme but the other extreme can also be seen. Case in point is Trump. He is what he is or like the old comedian said, what you see is what you get. While this causes a great deal of angst in many people it is seen as refreshing by others. Too many politicians over the years have professed to be what they are not, to the point that they have lost credibility. The old phrase that they are all liars is on the minds of many. Trump is not only un-presidential he is different in these other ways and is a source of great consternation to many voters but even more so to the Washington establishment. He doesn't follow the rules and this is threatening to the bureaucracy and they are rebelling. He is a disruptive force to those career government employees and they ask why can't things be like they used to be.

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