Thursday, October 17, 2019

Change or not

On the news this AM they were discussing Biden's lack of campaign money and the expert said when you start going down in the polls the donors back off because they want to back a winner and that says it all. It seems what you stand for takes a back seat to whether you can win or not and that is the stage of politics today. This is the situation that every new comer to politics faces. Is it better to stand by my principals and lose or is it better to change my position to win. The argument is always if I lose I can't do anything so I must change. This leads to the old joke, and citizens this is how I stand on this issue and if you don't like it, I will change. In other words you say whatever it takes to win and worry about doing what you said later and the American people seem to go along. It goes back to Hoover when he said a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage and then came the depression.

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