Sunday, May 24, 2020

Biden Trump

As Biden becomes better known to many people, his strength seem to be his likability. Years ago when I watched the first TV debates between Nixon and Kennedy, it occurred to me that how you present yourself on TV is more important than the issues. I then decided that the parties should choose a Hollywood actor and tell him what to say. Much to my surprise along came Reagan who was called the Great Communicator. Anyone who has watched Tom Selleck do the commercial for reverse mortgages will get an idea of what I am talking about. They get someone like Selleck and using focus groups figure out what words to use, then use polls to figure out what issues to talk about, then get a professional speech writer to put it all down and have the candidate use it like lines in a movie script. Many people will be voting this time with the same motivation they used in the 2016 election. There many voted against Clinton and this year many will vote against Trump. When asked why they voted this way, many replied that they just didn't like Clinton and Trump. Likability seems to be the determining factor. I didn't vote for Reagan the first time but chose Independent John Anderson but I did the second time. Last time my choice ticket was Kasich/Rubio but like Reagan I was not happy with Trump but I voted against Hilary. This time I like Trumps record of accomplishments so I will vote for him assuming some new development doesn't come along. Many people who are unhappy with Biden will vote for him because they don't like Trump.

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