Saturday, May 30, 2020

Is America great

My daughter introduced me to Face Book about a year ago and I am surprised at how many Americans have such a low opinion of America. They seem to see only the dark side of the country and close their eyes to the good. What other country would be a better place to live. In what ways would it be better. Would there be a downside to that country. Have these people considered these questions or do they just reflexively reject the country in which they live. Have they always felt this way or has some incident caused them to change their thinking and if so what kind of incident would have such power. Do these people see their personal lives in such dismal conditions. Was it something in their youth that turned them against America. It seems it would have to be more than just income distribution but maybe that's it. If everyone was given a more equal share would this satisfy them. Do they envy athletes, Hollywood stars and CEO's who make millions or perhaps high tech inventors who make billions. Would taking their money and giving it to the poor make them like America.

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