Saturday, May 30, 2020

Platform opinions

Trump is in a tiff with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey over the search for the truth. Trump tweeted that after looting comes the shooting. One side might say he was referring the LA riots where store owners were on top of their buildings with guns while the other side would say this was encouraging violence. The truth is a slippery devil. Consider the fact that on almost every major issue there are experts, people who have spent their lives studying the issue, and they cannot agree on what is right. Twitter is a private company and they have their opinion on truth and can exercise their right to refuse tweets based on their interpretation of the truth. This, however, moves them from being an information platform and toward a news agency. Platforms are designed to distribute information and not be concerned about content. News agencies are under government regulations but platforms are not. If a platform wants to offer opinions they may be subject to regulations.

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