Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Biden's situation

As the latest sexual scandal unfolds around Biden both sides have reverted to the teen age defense of mom, everyone is doing it. Trump supporters say look at Clinton and Biden supporters say look at Trump and soon it will all go away. Politicals like the constant battles between parties because it provides a way to get out of trouble. No matter what problem arises as long as you can find someone in the other party that does something similar you are in the clear. The story will be a hot item for a week or so but then disappear. One interesting difference between Trump and Biden is that Trumps cases all occurred when he was a private citizen but Biden who has been in public office his whole adult life is easier to criticize. This kind of activity is not acceptable but it is more in the news when it involves an elected official. It is amazing that reporters respond to these incidences by expressing surprise at the hypocrisy.

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