Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Opinion vs fact

The press has tended to be liberal since 1900 but it has moved more to the left in the past 30 years and this move has taken a quantum leap since Trump came to office. It began with a book published in 1902 with the order to the press to, comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. This was the start of a long list of muckrakers, journalist who felt it was their duty to uncover misbehavior. The original intent of the founding fathers was to use the press as a watch dog on the government but this was expanded to any group which wielded power. During the middle years of the last century the press leaned left but always maintained that they were not biased. In recent years they have started to own up to their bias and in the past few years they have dropped all pretense. Today the bias is blatant and cable news stations opening show their bias. News reporters and opinion writers are now mixed and opinion becomes news and is presented as fact. Now elected officials have an out for any statements they make saying that those who object are just political hacks. It has become difficult for the average person to discern what is fact and what is opinion. Former Senator Daniel Moyinhan said it best when he said everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not their own facts.

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