Monday, July 6, 2020

Amazon reinvestment

Jeff Bezos founded Amazon in 1994 as a company to sell books online. He got a $250,000 loan from his parents and started the company in the garage of his rented home. He reinvested his profits into the company and thus the company began to grow. By 1995 online sales were $20,000 per week and the company went public selling at $18 per share. In 1999 Amazon using profits bought its first company a practice that continues today. The company grew rapidly and by 2011 had 30,000 employees, by 2016 180,000 and today almost 700,000 full time employees. Companies pay no income tax on money that is reinvested and thus that money is leveraged for future growth. Many people feel there is something inherently wrong with Bezos owning $160 billion dollars in stock. Some feel the government should force him to sell the stock and give that money to the government where they could then redistribute it to those the government feels are more deserving. Others feel there should be a tax on wealth which would allow the government to collect the money and use it to help those in need.

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