Thursday, July 16, 2020

Communism and power

Xi Jinping recently led the news as he used his power to change the rules so he could be president for life. This is not that unusual for communist countries. Putin in Russia also used his power to allow him to become president for life. Daniel Ortega president of Nicaragua and he also changed the rules to allow him to run extra terms. He has been president since 2007 and will stay as long as he wants. In Cuba Castro and his brother ruled for 70 years and only recently gave up power because of age. Of course the Kim family in North Korea has ruled forever. They can get away with this because only a small minority of the citizens are members of the party and they control all the government jobs and thus the power. In China only 90 million people out of 1,300 million (7%) are members. This is what Orwell meant when he said everyone is equal except some are more equal.

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