Friday, July 24, 2020

Biden says

Joe Biden said that Trump has done nothing except divide the country. Trump has canceled the Iran nuclear deal, dropped out of the Paris Accords, turned away from the Trans Pacific Agreement, increased tariffs on China and Europe to make things more fair, moved countries in the United Nations to pay more, forced NATO member to pay up, redid NAFTA which caused Mexico to pay higher wages and increased money into the US by $80 billion per year (could be used to pay for the wall), built many miles of new wall along the border, set up opportunity zones in inner cities, joined with Blacks to redo the sentencing rules set up by Obama, achieved the highest employment of minorities in history, allowed Vets to go to private hospitals rather than wait, made it possible to fire incompetent VA employees, increased wages of blue collar workers, lowered taxes and got rid of many regulations. Biden may not agree with these changes but to say Trump did nothing is not correct.

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